Life Without Waste
Guess what's healthier than kale? A great relationship with food!

Intuitive Eating - what the heck is it? How can intuitive eating work for you?
When is the last time you sat and thought about your relationship with food? For me it's on my mind quite a bit lately as I progress toward a better relationship with food. I ask Renee Little, Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor about her background, her start, and her words of wisdowm.
Three minute read ahead!
Three low waste swaps to save you money FAST

Life without Dryer Sheets. Why dryer balls are AMAZING, why you need them, and how to take care of them
life without waste product tip

Life Without Gift Wrap - holiday edition

Wrapping paper definitely comes to mind when you start thinking about the waste during the Holidays - - or the unnecessary consumerism involved, but we are going to keep it a little lighter than that!
Zero Waste Canada did a wrapping paper study a couple of years ago and estimates that around 540,000 tonnes of wrapping paper heads to our Canadian landfills every holiday season. To give that whopping number a little context, that's about 90,000 elephants! NINETY THOUSAND?! That is crazy. We're talking about a few easy swaps to avoid unnecessary wrapping waste.
Low Waste Hacks - Little Changes, Big Impact

I'm sharing three super easy zero waste transitions that you can introduce RIGHT NOW, and drastically reduce your household waste. Give it a read and let me know what you think!
- Michelle